Is Phloe® a Laxative?

Is Phloe® a Laxative?

What is a laxative?

Laxatives are designed to empty the bowels and loosen stools. They are generally prescribed or suggested for use in constipation. There are several kinds of laxatives, that work in different ways. For example, stimulant laxatives, like senna, irritate the bowel and usually take 6-12 hours to work. Others, often magnesium based, draw water into the bowel that may take over 12 hours to work. Then there are stool bulking laxatives, high in insoluble fibre, that also absorb water and bulk up the stool, making the bowel contract and helping to pass the stool.

What some of the advantages of laxatives?

Some people like the speed at which some laxatives work, if they have been constipated for a while and feel they need for a fast clear out.

What are some of the disadvantages?

Laxatives can be unpredictable as to when you get a result. They can result in urgency, which might make it distressing when you are out and about. Also, some laxatives may lead to loose bowels, resulting in some nutrient loss. This is not a problem if they are only used occasionally. Some fibre products can make people feel gassy and bloated. Also, stimulant laxatives should not be used regularly as they can lead to bowel laziness and dependency.

What does Phloe do?

Phloe helps to normalise the bowel, since is supports bowel regularity, but does not cause loose bowels. There are several ways that it helps to do this. Firstly, it contains an enzyme called Actinidin, that is found in kiwifruit, but normally starts being broken down in the mouth. The special manufacturing process in Phloe helps to protect this enzyme in the mouth so it reaches the intestines intact, where it causes mild muscle contractions that help move stools through the digestive tract. The enzymes in Phloe also help with the smooth breakdown of nutrients for easier digestion.

Phloe also contains two types of fibre, which soften the stool and help it pass more easily. Importantly, this fibre does not cause gas and bloating and has the advantage of feeding the beneficial bacteria in our gut to support healthy digestive flora.

Who can it help?

Since Phloe restores our normal digestion, it is suitable for daily use. It is suitable for people who struggle with constipation, but also people who suffer loose bowels, or those who frequently swing between both situations.

It is gentle and food-based so suitable in pregnancy and breastfeeding and is also suitable for children. It is also suitable to take by those who need to take daily medications, where other laxative solutions may conflict with those meds.


How should you take it?

Since Phloe normalises the bowel, it may take several days to start achieving a regular pattern. This means that Phloe should be taken daily for best results and, since it is a natural solution, it’s suitable to take continually for ongoing support.

Those who have had long term constipation may need to take the full specified dose in order to get results and some may even need to take an additional 1 or 2 caps or chews, just to get things moving. Once a regular pattern is achieved this may be reduced.

What else can you do?

You can help with constipation by making sure you eat plenty of high fibre food and drink plenty of water. A sensitivity to gluten or other foods can also be the cause and should be addressed. Like any condition, constant constipation or diarrhoea should not be ignored and, if Phloe is not having the desired effect after a few weeks, should be investigated further by your medical practitioner.
